Mission 36 edited audio recordings

It’s not alway easy to keep a log of the QSO’s when your descending from 13,000 feet in the air.  That is why we attached a digital recorder to each radio vest.  Attached are the edited recordings for each of the three jumps.  Dead air was removed to reduce the size of the files.  Due to the limited space on the vests we have not been able to come up with a way to have a second HF receiver designated to record both sides of our HF jumps.  Utilizing a small mixer we only get the receive side.  However, we can record the jumper’s transmitted side by recording the traffic on the ground.  With the use of post production audio editing I’ve compiled the two tracks.  I’ve been told that there is a way I can tap into the pin-out from the mic jack that will provide audio from the jumper when he keys the mic, but that hack is still a mystery to me.  I imagine a small RJ adaptor that goes between the radio and the mic that provides a small 1/8 speaker jack to use as audio out to the mixer is all that is needed.  If any of you techy folks out there want to brew this up for us we’d certainly compensate you for the parts.  The HF radio we use is the good ol’ FT-817.

-Rob, KC6TYD

Another Parachute Mobile presentation coming soon

Hello everyone. QST, Parachute Mobile will be presenting at the next San Mateo Radio Club’s next monthly meeting, Friday, September 20. Visitors welcome.  https://www.meetup.com/SanMateoRadioClub/events/261528960/


Typo Alert!

It has come to my attention that the email everyone was instructed to use to confirm you contacts was bouncing back. Yep, that’s because it’s not skidivinghams@ gmail.com but rather skydivinghams@gmail.com. We aren’t making contacts while skiing down the snowy sloops…at least not yet. Please send again if you got bounced.
-Rob, KC6TYD

Mission 36 has been completed

A big thanks to all that participated during Mission 36.  As usual we had some successes and some failures.  Oddly, they seem to happen in cycles.  During the last mission it was our air to ground video.  For this mission we were plagued with APRS problems.  ARGH!  Well, we’re hams, gives us somethings to figure out.

Remember if you made a contacted, busted or not, please send us an Email to skydivinghams@gmail.com.  In a couple of weeks we’ll go through the recordings and emails and hopefully get out your QSL cards in 3 weeks.

Mission 37 will be in conjunction with Pacificon, Saturday October 19.  If you attend come by and visit with us at our table in the hallway at the Marriott.  We’ll have monitors to view the live streaming video along with  GOTA station.

73 from all of us at Parachute Mobile.

Mission 36. Event day updates

06:38  Good morning.  It’s the day is starting off with a beautiful sunrise seen here at the Bay Area Skydiving in Byron CA.  Forecasted to be 89 degrees by 3:00 pm.  A lot cooler then yesterday.  The early bird Ground Crew will be arriving soon and start setting up our Video station that allows us manage 4 point-of-view cameras; one of which will be air to ground, and then streamed out live.

0650 . Unfortunately the URL for the streaming video has changed.  The new one is https://www.ustream.tv/channel/N3MMeufqbcL

9:33 Ground crew still setting up. Were looking at an hour or so for our first jump. The first 2 manifest jumps are filled. updates will be on here to keep you updated.

Weather update: Speed 19 . Gust 19 . Direction 231

10:26 Rob Kc6tyd VHF first  jump in 20 mins

10:33 Plane update Caravan Sesna Single engine turbo prop holds 13 jumpers

11:02 Rob boarding plane

11:06 Take off Rob kc6tyd first jump

11:22 Jumpers away

11:25 QSO now with Rob

11:34 ROB packing up for land

11: 38 ROB has landed

11:45 If you made a contact with the jumper please email at skydivinghams@gmail.com to receive a card.

next jump Mark AF6IM HF jump

Thank you everyone!!!

12:41 Mark AF6IM HF jump to board plane in 25 mins

12:51 86 degree Speed 10  gust 13 direction 261

12:59 Mark boarding plane now HF jump

1304 Weather check Speed 12   Gust 21 .  Direction 256

1308 Mark taking off

1308 Mark off the plane overload full of tamdems so he got bumped to next load

1408 Mark all prepped to go 5 mins to load 20 meters 14.250 HF jump

1424 On plane and in the air

1426 2500ft

1443 Jumpers away Mark is a go

1450 Please send an email to skidivinghams@gmail.com if you made a contact with Mark or Rob

1454 Mark has landed

1509 Prepping Rob for next jump

1540 Rob has completed all his safety checks and has manifested.  Unfortunately the load has not met the minimum skydiver requirement to to take off, but we are confident that will change soon.  Once that minimum is met there is a 20 minute call.

1606 OK, finally have a ETA of 20 minutes for the next jump.  The jumper will be Rob, KC6TYD.  Streaming video and APRS available.

1618 6 mins for Rob to to load

1630 loading plane

1635 plane take off now

1647 6,000 ft

1651 11,800- ft

1653 Jumpers away

1654 No video & APRS

Mission 36 is just a few days away!

Here are all the specifics to know for Mission 36!

Remember, if you make a contact with a skydiver, busted or not (this isn’t a contest), then let us know the name or call sign of the skydiver and approximate time of the contact by emailing us at http://skydivinghams.com.