Mission 41 QSL Cards have ben mailed!

You should have received your Mission 41 QSL card by now. If not, sorry, we must have missed you in the log. No worries, email me at skydivinghams@gmail.com and let me know the which jumper and the approximate time of the contact. There were a few pile ups and some callsigns could not be deciphered even though the the call was recognized.

Mission 42 is Scheduled for October 15 in conjunction with Pacificon, ARRL’s Pacific Division Conference. More details to come.

-Rob, KC6TYD

Mission 41 QSL card update

Big apologies to all those that have been waiting for their Mission 41 QSL cards.  The weekend after Mission 41 was Field Day and I was in charge of coordinating that for our club, so that kept me busy.  During most of July I was busy with as seasonal job that had me occupied during the weekends.  Anyway, enough with my excuses.  I have been going through the Emails from those of you who sent me confirmations as well as the audio recordings.  It appears there was a recording glitch on the last jump of the day, jump 4, and no one sent me email confirmations during that jump so I have no contacts for that jump at all.  You can still email me at skydivinghams@gmail.com if you did indeed make a contact with me during jump 4.  I’m hoping sometime next week I’ll have all the QSL cards printed up to send out.

Mission 42 was originally scheduled for August 20, but there was not enough time to plan for that so it will now take place on October 15 in conjunction with Pacificon.

There is a possibility I’ll be making some practice HF jump between now and Pacificon.  I’ll try and post an announcement if that happens, but it could be a very short notice.  Things happen fast out at the Drop Zone.


-Rob, KC6TYD