Mission 13 was a success!

The day after Mission 12, plans started for Mission 13. This was the big one: Pacificon, and it was in conjunction with the ARRL National Convention. Work was needed to armor up the 2.4 GHz transmitter. There where glitches with the weather station and data logger.  The media display board was worn and desperately need to be replaced.  We needed to streamline the setup and installation of our growing antenna farm at the DZ. Oh ya, then there’s the forum we need to be ready for the following day.

Well, we did it. The team pulled together and we got the job done. Streaming was the best it’s ever been.  APRS worked great. Communication was handled brilliantly and we now have a better and faster antenna setup.  We had a great Parachute Control team looking down on us like angels.  Our DZ Ground Crew excelled.  From setup to Jumper Prep, you guys rocked!   I even got to debut as Jumper 3 on the last jump!  Jim created a new team poster and Michael G was able to print it out.  I got it laminated and I must say it looked pretty good above the heads of our Pacificon team.  Speaking of Pacificon team, Wow! What a great job you guys did.   I was able to update the old Power Point presentation and even though we only had a hand full of attendees, it was nice to present Parachute Mobile.

A big thanks to the whole team for all that you did.

QSL cards:  QSL cards will go out as soon as we confirm the list of contacts.  Be sure you’re good on “QRZed”.  Otherwise, email me at kc6tyd@arrl.net to get your card.

Come back and visit our website again as we will be adding new photos of Mission 13 as they come in.

What’s next?  Nothing until next Spring and we hope to be back at Radiofest.  In the meantime, we’ll be planning new twists and adding strange gadgets to the payload for all to enjoy.



Team Coordinator