Mission 27 QSL Cards are in the mail!

Sorry these got out late. If you don’t receive yours and you made a contact then email Rob at kc6tyd@gmail.com.

Parachute Mobile presenting at MARC meeting.

Parachute Mobile will be presenting Parachute Mobile at the next Manteca Amateur Radio Cub meeting August 3rd at 7:00PM. Go to the MARC website at K6MAN.org for location information. Hope to see you there.

Mission 27 is over

Well. after a wind delay in the morning Mission 27 was a success. We got three jumps in with plenty of contacts. Remember to email Rob at kc6tyd@gmail.com and let him know you made a contact, even if it was a busted one. This wasn’t a contest. Please indicate if it was Rob or Troy and an approximate time.  Give us a few weeks to process all the contact and put together the QSL Cards.

Mission 28 is schedule for August 26, 2017. Hope to hear you on the air then.