My QSL card from Florida!

Thanks Gary!

QSL cards & Pictures

Mission 28 QSL cards were mailed out 10-15-17. If you don’t receive one soon email Rob at kc6ty@gmail and we’ll get one out to you.

Click on the Parachute Mobile Images tab so see a few pictures taken during the mission.

Parachute Mobile

Parachute Mobile is a unique combination of amateur radio and skydiving. Four time a year we conduct Missions where licensed hams will to take to the sky and attempt as many simplex contacts as possible during a short 10 to 15 minute window. Since 2009 our missions have been educational, enlightening, exciting, and just down right fun for our jumpers and for all those that have listened and participated. So much goes into our mission. Deciding what gear will be used, safely rigging it, jumper preparation, and much much more.

You haven’t had a chance to make a contact?  No problem. Mission 29 is scheduled for October 21, 2017 in conjunction with Pacificon.

Come back soon to get all the details.