Mission 22 completed

Thank you to all those that participated. We were able to make a total of 5 jumps. We apologize for all the delays and sudden changes, but that’s just the way it is at the Drop Zone.

As a reminder, if you made a contact with a jumper please email kc6tyd@gmail.com and us know which jump and jumper it was. Mae sure to include your call sign and make sure address on QRZ.com is correct. Please allow us time to go the the multiple logs of QSOs and to time to create you one-of-a kind QSL card. A posting will be made when the QSL cards are mailed.

Parachute Mobile Team

Mission 22 current updates

Last jump of the day!!

1404 Jumper 3 on take off!!! Go Rob!!

1600 Jumper 3 loading the plane

1555 KC6TYD Rob in 7 mins will making his “100” jump!!!

1510 Jumper 1 will be making a Dstar first then will be switching over to 2 meters

1445 Jumper 1 safe and on the ground

1428 Jumper 1 13000ft Jumper away

1417 Jumper 1 Mark HF Take off!!

1345 Jumper 1 20 mins out to go.

1320 Mark Jumper 1 getting ready for HF/2 meter jumper. HF 28.245

1305 AF6IM Jumper 1 HF

1305 Jumper 1 Mark going up soon

1245 Jumper 3 QSO sounding great up in the air!!

12:26 Jumper 3 on the plane. Yay!!!

12:13 Jumper 3 suited and going up in 12 mins

11:50 hrs: Jummper 3 ROB!!! getting suted up.

1125: Jumper 2 is on the ground safely. Standby for updates for the next jump

10:50 Jumper 2 Michael KF6MRW up in the air at 5000 ft

1050 hrs: Jumper 2 has loaded the plane

10:40 hrs: Jumper 2 suiting up and getting ready to jump.
Streaming live video from the DZ http://M.ustream.tv/channel/mfwright

1030 hrs: Just in….Jump 1 is in 15 minutes (1045hr)

1018 hrs: All three Parachute Mobile venues have checked in. We are currently waiting for more people to manifest for the first jump. We will get a 30 minutes heads up, at which time we will post that here.13