Mission 32 Completed

Thank you to all that participated during Mission 32. Another great mission completed. As soon as we review the recordings and consolidate our logs we’ll get the QSL cards out. If you made a contact with a skydiver and you haven’t emailed us as of yet, be sure to do so at skydivinghams@ gmail.com. State which jumper it was; Rob or mark, and the jump number. If you happened to recall what time you made the contact indicate that as well.

Don’t forget, Mission 33 will take place in conjunction with Pacificon, October 20.

Mission 32 is set for August 25, 2018

Mission 32 will take place August 25, 2018.  We’re ramping up for another great mission.  Some modifications are being made to the HF equipment vest.  We’ll also be experimenting with new APRS radio during the HF jump.


FM QSOs will be on 146.430 simplex

HF QSOs will be on 14.250


Search AF6IM or KC6TYD depending on the jumper.

Live streaming video:




There will continuous updates here on the website and QSTs made on the W6CX repeater, 147.060+ 100, and N6NFI repeater, 145.230- 100.

QSL Card

If you make a contact with a skydiver you will receive a QSL card.  Please be sure to confirm your contact by sending an email to Rob, at KC6TYD@gmail.com.  Please indicate which jump it was and the time of your contact.

As always, the mission is subject to delay or cancellation due to weather or aircraft issues.