Confirm your busted call!

During Mission 39 jump 3, the HF jump, Mark reports that it was very hard to hear everyone’s call signs.  We did have a recorder recording, however it was only recording Mark and since he had a lot of busted calls we are asking all those that made a contact with him to give us a “fill”.  Please email us at if you think one of the following busted calls was yours:






A station from Minnisota

A station from Nova Scotia

This wasn’t a contest and we want to make sure you get your QSL card.

Mission 39: Todays updates

0732-Good morning everyone. We are currently getting our video stream and APRS igate equipment all set up. This will be the first entry for todays timeline. When we have updates we will add a new timeline so you will need to refresh your web browser periodically.

1000 – Good morning from Byron Airport. We continue to setup for Mission 39. We have setup video systems and ham radio antennas and radios (both VHF and UHF). Mark (AF6IM), Jumper 1, has been prepped and we hope to manifest him for a jump run shortly. Here are a couple of important links:

Streaming URL:

QSO email address:
Stay tunes for more updates.

11:30 Mark, Jumper 1, AF6IM has been manifested for the next jump run scheduled for approximately 30 minutes from how. This will be a VHF jump with QSO frequency: 146.430 Mhz simplex.

1155 – Mark, Jumper 1, AF6IM is in the plane and the plane is in the air! YAY! He’ll be in the air in about 10 minutes. This is a VHF jump. See frequency above.

1206 – Mark is out of the plane and in the air!

1221 – Mark, AF6IM, Jumper 1 is on the ground! YAY!

1310 – Rob, KC6TYD, Jumper 3, is suiting up. We hope to have him in the air in approximately an hour. This will be another VHF jump. Frequency: 146.430 Mhz simplex.

1343 – Rob, KC6TYD, Jumper 3, is suited up and ready to go. He is manifesting for a jump run scheduled in 45 minutes or so. Will keep you posted.

1442 – Rob, KC6TYD, Jumper 3, is on the plane and the plane has taken off. It’s a lighter load, so he should be jumping out in less than 10 minutes. Will let you know when he’s out.

15:08 – Rob, KC6TYD, Jumper 3, is safely on the ground. Thanks for all the QSOs! We will have at least one more jump with Mark on HF.

1615 – Mark, AF6IM, Jumper 1 is suited up and ready to go. We are hoping to get on the next manifest leaving in a few minutes. If all goes to plan…he should be out of the plane in 15 or 20 minutes. This is an HF jump: 14.250 Mhz USB.

1624 – Mark, AF6IM, Jumper 1 is aboard and the plane has taken off.

1645-Marks has made about 6 Qs on HF. Remember, please email us at skydivinghams if you make a contact so we can get your QSL card.

1655 – Mark, AF6IM, Jumper 3 is back safe and sound on the ground! YAY! Sounds like there were many HF QSOs! Sweet! Thank you all for your participation! That’s a wrap for Mission 39! 73! ~Steve K6WW

Mission 39 is a GO

Look for updates here on the website or on Facebook starting around 9:30a.m. or earlier. QSTs will also be made on the W6CX repeater, Mount Diablo, at 147.060+100

Hope to hear you on the air!

Only a few days away!

We’re still finishing up on the final touches. The weather is looking quite favorable but those Byron winds can pick up in the afternoon.

Sorry, but we won’t have Echo/Link or AllStar as options for the mission. It’s a logistic thing. Hoping to have it up running for Mission 40 in October.

Check back again soon.

Mission 39 Update

Mission 39 is just a few weeks out.  We are looking forward to making a QSO with you.  Here is a flyer with all the pertinent information.  Feel free to share it and repost it.

We typically try to get the first jump in around 11:00A.M.  However, we seem to be prone to delays in one way or another.  If you’r in line of site of Mount Diablo, listen in on the W6CX repeater at 147.060+100 for updates.  We will also make updates here on the website and on Facebook.

We record each jump so that we have a QSO log, but due to weaker signals and doubling, we may not get yours.  If you make a QSO email us at so that you can receive you QSL card.  Addresses are obtained via so make sure your information is up to date.

Check back soon for updates.