Mission 29 is complete!

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Mission 29 Update, 10-20-17

Hello everyone. Our table at Pacificon is setup and we’ve already had many conventioneeers come by and say hi and inquier about jump times. So that everyone knows we hope that our first jump around 10AM. It all deopends if when we complete our jumper prep and if the Drop Zone has a plane ready to go.

The first jump will be 2 meter simplex on 146.430 MHz. Please note that we will have a GOTA station at our table at Pacificon for those that want to make a QSO. Those that want to partipate will need to sign up. Once the Skydiver announces QRZ those that signed up will have first priority to make a contact with the skydiver. The order of the QSOs will be in the order of those that signed up. Don’t worried, we’ll have a GOTA staton manager helping out. We ask, however, that if you sign up please be there for your QSO. In order to receive a QSL card you need to be current on QRZ.com. Once the QSO list has been completed we will then open it up for additional contatcts from the rest of the world. For those that make a contact othere then those from GOTA stations, please remember to eamail me at KC6TYD@aol.com as a backup so that we can make sure you get your QSL card as well. Please indicate the jump number, the time of the contact, and which jumper it was. This helps us when we cross refernce our logs.

We will have another 20 meter jump and we expect that to be jump number 3. Mark, AF6IM, will be in the air for this. The frequency we have been publizing has been 14.250 MHz, however, I have reciently been informed that this frequency was used for recent hurricane disaster traffic. Parachute Control, our relaty and “Net Control”, located at 3,848 feet above see level, will monitore the frequency prior to the jump. Be prepared to move up or down. We will post here if a new frequency is chosen.

As soon as our Drop Zone crew is set up we will start making updates here so you know when the jumps will be.

Hope to hear you on the air,

-Rob, KC6TYD

Mission 29 – October 21st, 2017

Mission 29 is scheduled to take place October 21, 2017 in Conjunction with PACIFICON, ARRL’s Pacific Division Convention.  Make a contact with a skydiver and receive a one of a kind QSL card.

The mission will take place at Bay Area Skydiving in Byron,  Come on by and visit us.  Bayareaskydiving.com

If you are attending PACIFICON come by our table and say hi.

We hope to have our first jump soon after 10:00 A.M.

FM QSO: 146.430 MHz
HF QSO: 14.250 MHz + / – 10k
D-Star: TBD
APRS: Track the individual skydivers by call sign; AF6IM, KC6TYD, W7BIG
Streaming video: Several point of views will be available including air-to-ground. Log into: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mfwright

Parachute Mobile will be acting as Net Control atop Mt Diablo. ETJs (estimated time of jump) will be announced periodically as will as other mission specific information. Updates will also be made on the W6CX repeater at 147.060 +100. Not in repeater range? No problem. Updates will be made here on the website and on our Facebook page.

We make every effort to record your QSO. To ensure that you receive your QSL card please email KC6TYD@gmail.com indicating which jumper, the jump number, and the time you made your contact.

As always, we do not have control over Drop Zone, aircraft, and the weather, so this event is subject to delay or cancellation.