“Mission 43 is in the books”

Thank you everyone that participated today. As usual we had some technical issues to deal with but our objective was met: we made contacts! Remember, if you made a contact, please email Skydivinghams@gmail.com let us know who you made a contact with, if you happened to know if it was jump 1, 2, or 3, and the approximate time of the contact. Give a few weeks and will send out a QSL card. If you were listening in and couldn’t make a contact, you too are eligible for a card as well. We use the addresses that are listed on QRZ that are associated with your call sign. We try to squeeze in another mission sometime in August, and of course we’ll be back as a Special Event for Pacficon, October 21st. Check back for updates, -73

Mission 43 timeline

0942: Getting set up

1126: Rob (KC6TYD) is manifested for Caravan #5 in 20 min. It will take about 12 min. for them to reach 13k’ for his jump and he will be under canopy for roughly 15 min.

1150: Rob is aboard and on his way up. Should be out under canopy in about 12 min.

1209: Rob is out of the plane and under canopy.

1220: Rob is safely on the ground. YAY!

1253: Mark (AF6IM) is suiting up for the next jump. He will be using HF at first (14.280) and then move to VHF (147.57) if he runs out of HF contacts.

1432: Mark is now manifested for Caravan #9 scheduled for a departure in 20 min.

1450: Mark has boarded. Should by departing in about 5 min. Will then be under canopy in another 12 min. or so.

1454: Jump aborted due to malfunction with powerpole connector on radio. Hope to be on the next load.

1617: We are delayed due to waiting for a full load of sky divers. Out of our control. Please stand by.

1631: Mark is about to board and depart in 10 min. He will be out under canopy about 12 min. later.

1700: Mark is out of the plane and under canopy.

1726: Mark is on the ground, safe and sound. YAY!

1751: Rob is manifested for the next load which is scheduled to depart in approximately 20 minutes. This will be a VHF jump on 147.57 MHz.

1824: Rob is aboard. Should be under canopy in about 10 minutes. This is a VHF jump on 147.578 Mhz.

1841: Rob is out of the plane and under canopy.

1905: Rob is safely on the ground. That’s a wrap! Thank you for your participation!

Mission 43 Update 6-1-23

You will need to use this NEW zoom link to view streaming viedo.
