Mission 43 information

Parachute Mobile Mission 43 is set for June 3. We hope to get our first jumper up in the air sometime around 11:00 a.m. Parachute Control will be setup at the summit of Mount Diablo playing MC for the day. Listen in, ask questions, and make QSOs on 147.570 MHz simplex.

We will have one HF jump. The frequency has changed to 14.280 MHz. Due to recent solar activity 20 meters has been hit and miss.

Live streaming video will be via ZOOM at this link. https://coupa.zoom.us/j/94535690025 APRS will be tracking each jumper from the time they get on the plane and until they land. Search AF6IM for Mark and KC6TYD for Rob. Parachute Control will announce the jumpers name and callsign prior to each jump.
If you’re too far away to hear Parachute Control, no worries. We’ll ty our best to update our website and Facebook page as the day progresses.

Don’t forget, if you make a contact with a skydiver email skydivinghams@gmail.com and let us know the name of the jumper and the time of contact. This way we can make sure you get your QSL card.

Check back for updates!