Parachute Mobile presents at the FARS meeting

Come and check it out!  Parachute Mobile will be resenting this Friday at the FARS (Foothill Amateur Radio Society) monthly meeting.

What is Parachute Mobile?

Parachute Mobile is a unique combination of skydiving and amateur radio (ham radio). For the past nine years we have brought a new nitch to the ham radio community that has been widely accepted and rewarding for many.

The main objective for Parachute Mobile is simple but yet complex at the same time. The Skydiver is equipped with ham radio and other biotelemetry equipment. Once the jumper is away a HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) is executed to provide a long descent at which time the jumper will make as many radio contacts as possible. As you would expect, the altitude provides a great opportunity to make contacts with ham operators many miles away. All stations that are lucky enough to make a contact with the jumper are rewarded with a one-of-a-kind contact card (QSL card) certifying their contact. Contacts have been made on both 2 and 20 meters.
There is so much more. Over the years we’ve added APRS, air-to-ground streaming video, and now EchoLink.

Safety is paramount during or missions. Every effort is made to recognize potential snag points and equipment that could potentially interfere with the skydivers’ gear. Before each jump a two-page safety check is completed.

Parachute Mobile currently has 2 active skydivers, however our Ground Crew is made of over 12 hams from around the Great San Francisco Bay Area. This is not your typical ham event. Our missions are more of a special event with excitement, production, and education.

Our next mission will be Mission 32, August 25, 2018.