Mission 44 is a Go!

Good morning! It’s a cool windy morning at the Drop Zone this morning. As we get things setup just a reminder that if you make a contact with a skydiver today please send us an email at skydivinghams@gmail.com. The Zoom link for the live stream will be posted later this morning. We hope to have our first jump sometime around 1030 or so. Listen in on 147.570 simplex to get updates from Parachute Control, setup atop Mount Diablo.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82290616088?pwd=Wm9JQVhYazBxV09RaHRJU2lCbThTdz09

1030 – Mark, AF6IM, is suited up and manifested for jump run in ~27 min. He should be out and under canopy roughly 20 min. later.

1108 – Mark is onboard and will be out in about 15 to 20 min.

1131 – Mark has been out and making QSOs for a while.

1134 – Mark is on the ground! YAY!

1257 – Rob, KC6TYD, is manifested for the next jump run. Expect him to be out and on the air at approximately 1325.

1308 – Rob is onboard and will be out under canopy in about 15 – 20 min.

1322 – Rob is out of the plane and under canopy.

1338 – Rob is safely on the ground! YAY!

1425 – Dmitrii, KN6MMW, is manifested for a jump run in 35 min. Expect him to be out under canopy in about 50 min.

1521 – Dmitrii is on board and should be out under canopy around 1535.

1538 – Dmitrii is out under canopy.

1551 – Dmitrii is safely on the ground. YAY!

That’s a wrap! Thank you all for your participation! 73!

Boost post




Mission 44 coming soon!

I can’t believe it’s been 14 years!!!! It’s been a blast providing a unique
way to represent both amateur radio and skydiving. We are always making tweaks
to the setup for each Mission and trying to come up with new ideas. Please note
that there will not be an HF jump for this mission. We want to provide the
ability to make as many QSO as we can within the limited time we have in the
air, so we will concentrate our efforts on 2 meters. As soon as we have a ZOOM
link for streaming video, we will post it.

Check back for updates.

Rob Fenn, KC6TYD, Team Coordinator

“Mission 43 is in the books”

Thank you everyone that participated today. As usual we had some technical issues to deal with but our objective was met: we made contacts! Remember, if you made a contact, please email Skydivinghams@gmail.com let us know who you made a contact with, if you happened to know if it was jump 1, 2, or 3, and the approximate time of the contact. Give a few weeks and will send out a QSL card. If you were listening in and couldn’t make a contact, you too are eligible for a card as well. We use the addresses that are listed on QRZ that are associated with your call sign. We try to squeeze in another mission sometime in August, and of course we’ll be back as a Special Event for Pacficon, October 21st. Check back for updates, -73

Mission 43 timeline

0942: Getting set up

1126: Rob (KC6TYD) is manifested for Caravan #5 in 20 min. It will take about 12 min. for them to reach 13k’ for his jump and he will be under canopy for roughly 15 min.

1150: Rob is aboard and on his way up. Should be out under canopy in about 12 min.

1209: Rob is out of the plane and under canopy.

1220: Rob is safely on the ground. YAY!

1253: Mark (AF6IM) is suiting up for the next jump. He will be using HF at first (14.280) and then move to VHF (147.57) if he runs out of HF contacts.

1432: Mark is now manifested for Caravan #9 scheduled for a departure in 20 min.

1450: Mark has boarded. Should by departing in about 5 min. Will then be under canopy in another 12 min. or so.

1454: Jump aborted due to malfunction with powerpole connector on radio. Hope to be on the next load.

1617: We are delayed due to waiting for a full load of sky divers. Out of our control. Please stand by.

1631: Mark is about to board and depart in 10 min. He will be out under canopy about 12 min. later.

1700: Mark is out of the plane and under canopy.

1726: Mark is on the ground, safe and sound. YAY!

1751: Rob is manifested for the next load which is scheduled to depart in approximately 20 minutes. This will be a VHF jump on 147.57 MHz.

1824: Rob is aboard. Should be under canopy in about 10 minutes. This is a VHF jump on 147.578 Mhz.

1841: Rob is out of the plane and under canopy.

1905: Rob is safely on the ground. That’s a wrap! Thank you for your participation!

Mission 43 Update 6-1-23

You will need to use this NEW zoom link to view streaming viedo.


Mission 43 information

Parachute Mobile Mission 43 is set for June 3. We hope to get our first jumper up in the air sometime around 11:00 a.m. Parachute Control will be setup at the summit of Mount Diablo playing MC for the day. Listen in, ask questions, and make QSOs on 147.570 MHz simplex.

We will have one HF jump. The frequency has changed to 14.280 MHz. Due to recent solar activity 20 meters has been hit and miss.

Live streaming video will be via ZOOM at this link. https://coupa.zoom.us/j/94535690025 APRS will be tracking each jumper from the time they get on the plane and until they land. Search AF6IM for Mark and KC6TYD for Rob. Parachute Control will announce the jumpers name and callsign prior to each jump.
If you’re too far away to hear Parachute Control, no worries. We’ll ty our best to update our website and Facebook page as the day progresses.

Don’t forget, if you make a contact with a skydiver email skydivinghams@gmail.com and let us know the name of the jumper and the time of contact. This way we can make sure you get your QSL card.

Check back for updates!



Parachute Mobile Mission 43

June 3, 2023

More information coming soon

Mission 42 QSL cards

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday.
QSL cards were placed in the mail yesterday so those of you who made a contact during Mission 42 should be getting it soon. As much as we try to record/log all contacts there are always a few that get missed. If you don’t get your card in the next few days email me at kc6tyd@gmail.com.
Parachute Mobile will be taking a break until Spring, but we’ll still male occasional posting here.
-Rob, KC6TYD

Mission 42 is a success!

A big thanks to all those that participated. If you made a contact with a skydiver, please let us know by sending us an email to skydivinghams@gmail.com.  This way we can send you your QSL card. Give us a couple weeks to complete this task.
We’ll be on a break until Spring, however there may be some prompto radio jumps now and then. If that occurs, we’ll be sure to post that on the website and on our Facebook page so check back now and then.

Mission 39 is a GO!

Look for updates here on the webpage or on Faecbook starting around 9:30a.m. or earlier. We’ll also make QSTs on the W6CX (Mount Diablo) repeater at 147.060+100

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